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These are the top causes of poor shower experiences

Although it may sound strange, there is such thing as a bad experience in a shower. Showers can sometimes be a bad experience. It is possible that you have had one, but you are so familiar with it that it seems normal. If you are unsure of the causes, please read on. 

These are the causes:


Shower head of poor quality

Low water pressure

Bad drainage

Poor ventilation

Let's take a look at each one individually.

Shower leaks

You have a beautiful, expensive new shower, but you are not able enjoy it as much as you should. If your shower is leaking or damaged, all the benefits that a fancy new shower can offer can be lost.

A shower can leak for many reasons. One reason could be a problem with the pipes. You could also be experiencing too much pressure in the fitted showerhead, or a leaky shower enclosure that allows water to escape.

Shower enclosure

Leakage water can cause all sorts of damage to floors and walls. If water starts to cause adhesion damage, tiles can also be affected. While some smaller problems can be handled by you, such as sealing the enclosures, most of these issues require hiring a professional.

Shower head of poor quality

      Shower Head With Waterfall

Showering can be unpleasant if your shower head is old, corroded or clogged. There is nothing worse than a bad showering experience. A new shower head is a great way to increase your shower time.

You can also get additional effects like mist or rain. A new showerhead can make a huge difference, making it a worthwhile investment.

Too low water pressure

Even the most well-designed and equipped shower units will lose some, if not all of their appeal if the water pressure is too low. If your shower is not capable of throwing water at you with enough force, and instead feels like a light raindrop, it is probably a waste.

A new pump can make your shower experience better by increasing the water pressure.

Bad drainage

It is possible for water to not drain properly from the showering device's drainage system. This can lead to a lot of water in your shower. You are just asking for trouble if you have water on a shower floor that isn’t draining.

Other problems can be caused by water that doesn't drain properly over a long time. These environments are home to mold and other bacteria.

Maintenance is key to preventing drainage problems from occurring in the future. It is worth cleaning out the drains and making sure that plug holes are free from hair. If you have a blocked drain and it is more difficult than cleaning, purchasing a replacement drainage system may be your next step.

Poor ventilation

Poor drainage can lead to mold growth. Although mold is easy to remove, it can be very ugly and will return if there is poor ventilation. You might consider buying an extractor fan if your bathroom does not have any ventilation.

Before you begin to shower, or whenever the bathroom gets steamy, the extractor fan should be on. After the steam has drained, the extractor fan should be switched off. To make life easier, many new systems include timers and/or automated iris'.
